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  • Writer's pictureEmma Thorne

It's an extra Jingle-y winter season!

Season's greetings lovely people! A little winter update from me:

If you follow me across the various socials, you might have noticed me going uncharacteristically quiet this past week or so!

It's always a busy old time of year in the run up to Christmas/Yule/Hanukkah/Kwanza etc. This year is an extra busy one for me because I have a fabulous seasonal performing gig as an elf working with the big, bearded man himself.

It's enormous fun, the cast are all so lovely and I'm literally spending my days getting children hyped up for a special festive mission and then dancing around and throwing snowballs with them. Spectacular.

Due to all the talking and singing and jumping around, it is also rather knackering! My hours and the rest time needed are the reason for seasonal slowdown, so I hope you understand!

From next week, the schools are on holiday and our grotto is open full time until Christmas Eve! On top of that, my next Musical Theatre showcase is on December 11th, so I'm squeezing in all the rehearsal I can manage between snowball-throwing days (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

That is all to say, my regular schedule is essentially out the window for the rest of the year. Videos and streams will probably be a rather sudden thing, popping up when I have the time and the spoons and will be more sporadic than usual. I apologise for the mild chaos here, and I promise I will be back on a lovely normal timetable come January :3

Thank you for your understanding!


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